Monday 17 October 2016


by Gabriela de Sousa

No plaino que a sul norteia                        In the plain that guides through south
Na madrugada que raia                              In the dawn that breaks
Plantei nele um grão de areia                     I planted on it a grain of sand
Nasceram dunas na praia.                          T'were born the dunes in the beach.

No plaino que a aurora singra                    In the plain that the morn sails
Do cantar de uma cigarra                           Of the chant of a cicada
Plantei nele uma lágrima                            I planted on it a tear
Nasceu-lhe a voz na guitarra.                     T'was born a voice in a guitar.

No plaino de rosto altaneiro                       In the plains with towering face
Vontade mais alta ecoa                               A higher will echoes
Plantei no fado um veleiro                         I planted on fate* a sailboat
Nasceu-lhe o mundo na proa.                     T'was born the world in its prow.

Nasceu-lhe o mundo na proa                      T'was born the world in its prow
Nasceu-lhe a brisa que exala                      T'was born the breeze that exhales
Azul é o céu que abençoa                           Blue is the sky that it blesses
E verde o mar que assinala.                        And green the sea that it marks.

É verde o mar que assinala                         It's green the sea that it marks
Rubro o coração desfeito                            Red the undone heart**
Plantaram nele uma bala                            They planted on it a bullet
Nasceu-lhe um cravo no peito.                   T'was born a carnation in its chest.***

*Fate - reference to the portuguese folk style Fado, that is the word for "fate".
**Reference to the portuguese flag, which is green and red.
***Reference to the Carnation Revolution, in which the dictatorship was put down by an army with carnations in their guns (as depicted)

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