(Poem by Gabriela de Sousa / Paintings by William Turner)
São verdes os rios que levam They're green the rivers that take
São verdes os rios que levam They're green the rivers that take
Saudades do meu amor Longings for my love
E nos barcos que se
entregam And in the ship that give itselves
Aos amantes que navegam To the lovers who sail
Sem saber rei ou senhor, Without knowing king or lord,
O meu amor parte, parte My love departs, departs,
Parte sempre a navegar Departs always sailing
Foi p’rá liça guerrear He went to fight in the field
Foi servir com sua arte He went to serve with his art
Lá nas terras d’além mar There in the lands overseas
Leva os sonhos por
‘standarte He takes the dreams as a banner
- Quem sabe se há-de
voltar? - Who knows if he will come back?
São azuis os céus que
guardam They're blue the skies that keep
Os olhos do meu caro bem The eyes of my dear honey
E nas ondas que sossegam And in the waves that settle
Os corações que lhe
entregam The hearts that are given
Dos que ficam sem
ninguém, From those who remain with no one,
O meu amor canta, canta, My love sings, sings,
Canta sempre a navegar Sings always sailing
Os sinos que ouviu tocar The bells that he heard tolling
Lá na terra que lhe
encanta There in the land that charms him
Das montanhas por sagrar From the unsacred lands
Onde o sol se alevanta Where the sun rises
- Quem sabe se há-de
chegar? - Who knows if he will arrive?
(São negros os montes que
velam (They're black the hills that guard
As almas apaixonadas The infatuated souls,
São altos espinhos que
zelam They're high the thorns that watch over
E no coração revelam And in the heart reveal
Leves penas, vis espadas) Light feathers, vile swords)
São verdes os rios que
levam They're green the rivers that take
Saudades de quem me levou Longings from who took me away
Nas amarras que se
entregam In the moorings who give itselves
Daqueles que então
navegam To those who then sail
E não sabendo por onde
vou And not knowing where I'm going
O meu amor sonha, sonha My love dreams, dreams,
Sonha em mim no alto mar Dreams in me in the high sea
Traz nas mãos ao abandono He brings in the hands, abandoned
O meu coração sem dono My unowned heart
E a testa por singrar And the unsacred forehead
E levando por ‘standarte And taking as a banner
Aquela que deu por trono The one who took as throne
O engenho, zelo e arte The skill, zeal and art
A quem a não soube ver To who couldn't see her
Quem sabe se há-de
voltar, Who knows is he will come back,
Quem sabe se há-de
sofrer, Who knows if he will suffer,
Quem sabe se há-de
morrer, Who knows if he will die,
Quem sabe se há-de
acordar? Who knows if he will awake?
*Canzonet = a small song
*Canzonet = a small song
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