by Gabriela de Sousa
Ó terra da minha lonjura Oh land of my remoteness
Dos cantos de trevos
calados Of the chants of silent clovers
Semeias voz de ternura You sow voices of tenderness
Ribeiros amargurados And sad rivers.
Ó terra do sol que se
espraia Oh land of the sun that spreads
Nas eiras da tarde calma In the threshing-floors of a quiet afternoon
Ó terra de flor como saia Oh land of flower as skirt
E lenço negro na alma And dark scarf in the soul.
Ó terra de lume bravio Oh land of wild fire
Que sonho com olhar
langue Which I dream with languid eye
Trago nas veias o rio I bring in my veins the river
Que o peito tornou em
sangue That the chest turned into blood.
Ó terra de seiva que
medra Oh land of sap that thrives
Na voz de quem por ti
passa In the voice of those that pass through you
Ó terra de sombra de
pedra Oh land of shadow of stone
Que o choro dos homens
amassa Molded by the cries of men
Ó terra de manhã fria Oh land of cold dawn
Lágrimas em flor aos
molhos Blossoming bunch of tears
Levantas-te co'a cotovia You wake with the lark
Caem-te as penas dos
olhos Sorrows/Feathers fall from your eyes**
Ó terra de serras viçosas Oh land of verdant hills
Dos altos rochedos pardos Of high and still rocks
Ó terra dum país de rosas Oh land in a country of roses
Sem ver beleza nos cardos That doesn't see beauty in thistles
Ó terra da pátria querida Oh land of the dear fatherland
Que esculpo no coração That I carve in my heart
Pastor de face aguerrida Stiff-faced shepherd
De enxada e lança na mão With hoe and spear in thine hand
Ó terra que vou
murmurando Oh land which I mutter
Lembrança de gente
esquecida Memory of a forgotten people
Ó terra, em ti me
encontrando Oh land, the more I found myself in thee
Mais eu te julgo perdida... The more I find you far away...
*Ferreiros - A village in the district of Viseu, Portugal (as depicted). Its name means "Blacksmiths", because it originated in a celtic village known to be a great iron producer.
** In portuguese the word "pena" can be either translated to "feather" or "sorrow".
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