Lá nas rochas por salgar There in the unsalted rocks
Das ilhas que o céu nao esquece In islands which the sky can't forget
Meu amor de sal e mar My love of salt and sea
Canta às ondas e adormece... Sings to the waves and falls asleep...
Canta perdido o veleiro He sings the lost sailboat
Suspenso na maré alta: Suspended in the high tides:
Pela vida é marinheiro Due to life he's a sailor
Pelo amor a mó que falta. Due to love he's the missing grindstone.
Tem na fronte a triste estrela He has in the forehead the sad star
Dos que esperam sem razão Of those who wait for no reason
A amargura dos que em tê-la The bitterness of those who by having it
Vão no cais da Solidão Sail in the quay of Loneliness.
E vão cedo num batel And they go early in a sailboat
E vão cedo na água escassa And they go in the scarce water
E a rede é o algoz cruel And the net its the cruel butcher
E o luar a nau que passa... And the moonlight is the passing ship...
Vejo soltar as amarras I see the cables being released
Que te enviam só à proa Those who send you alone to the prow
A deixar dolente as barras Leaving mournful the quays
Pela vaga que atraiçoa. In the betraying billows.
Quando o sonho não mais salva When the dream can save no more
À noitinha, junto ao cais At the nightime, near the quay,
Rezo muda à estrela d'alva I pray silent to the morning star
Que me envie os teus sinais. So it sends your signs to me.
Tenho no peito um xailinho I have a little shawl in my bosom
Feito da espuma do mar Made of sea foam
Que choro quando, sozinho, Which I cry when, alone,
Vais c'o alvor pronto a zarpar. You set off in the dawn.
E vais com a maré cheia And you go in the high tide
E vais com a branca lua And you go with the white moon
E o leme é a tua correia And rudder is your leash
E o mastro uma espada nua... And the mast is a naked sword...
Amor, minh'alma é gaivota Love, my soul is a tiny
Pequena cor de carvão; Seagull black as coal;
De luto pela velha frota Mourning the old shipping
Que trago no coração; Which I bring in the heart.
Amor! que trazes ao leme Love! who brings in the rudder
As noites que, de fugida, Those nights which, in retreat,
Lembram para quem não teme, Remember to those who do not fear,
Dos males do céu, esta vida From all harms of the sky, this life
Vem co'a ondas, vem depressa Come with the waves, come quickly
Vem que a tempestade, essa, Come because the storm, that one,
A que no horizonte treme The one who trembles in the horizon
Tem mais mares por buscar... Has more seas to search for...
E nas rochas, junto ao mar, And in the rocks, near the sea,
Que em ondas tristes cantando Which in sad waves it's singing
Versos tristes vai espalhando And sad verses it's spreading
Ao céu que os há-de sagrar To the sky who which bless them
Meu coração ancorado My anchored heart
Tendo a dor por branca vela Having pain by its white flag
Espera ainda a caravela Still waits the caravel**
Que, o não sendo, foi só fado. Which, not being it, was just fate.***

*Barcarole - Traditional folk song sung by gondoliers in Venice or a piece of music/poem written in that style.
**Caravel - A small and high maneuverable ship developed in the 15th century by the Portuguese explorers.
***Fado - Portuguese style of folk music that is also a word for "fate".