Na trova nos céus velada In the verse veiled in the skies
Em ondas que a voz enlaça In waves enlaced by the voice
Vi minha pátria ancorada I saw my fatherland anchored
Nas calhas da noite que
passa. In the gutters of the passing night.
Vi minha pátria perdida I saw my fatherland, lost
Nas brumas da manhã fria In the mists of the cold morning
Erguendo na sombra
aguerrida Rising in the brave shadow
Os mastros da nau que se
abria. The masts of the opened ship.
Numa tarde em voz dourada During a golden-voiced afternoon
A rebate em tristes
floras Alarming sad blossomings
Vi minha pátria finada I saw my deceased fatherland
No tardo sino das horas. In the late bell of time.
Vi minha pátria florir I saw my fatherland blossoming
Nas mãos da Rainha Santa In the hands of the Holy Queen**
Tendo por seu o porvir Having by hers the blind
Cego que o mastro
alevanta. Future that the mast rise~.
Minha pátria, a que
aventuro My fatherland, to which I venture
Tristes trovas que lhe
dou These sad verses I give,
Chora, por um velo escuro, Cries by a dark veil
O olho que o mar lhe
levou. The eye that the sea toke from it.***
Levou por o ter chorado Toke it because it was cried
Na canção ao desatino. In a song foolishly.
Vi meu país afogado. I saw my coutry drowned
Pelo troco de ouro fino. As an exchange for fine gold.
Mais eu vi no veio claro And more I saw in the clear veil
D’água sua que bebeu Made of the water that it drank
Duas ‘spadas sem amparo Two foresaken swords
Junto ao braço que as
perdeu. Near the arm who lost them
E mais vira se não fora And more I could see if it wasn't
(Escudo meu que não
terei!) (The shield I'll never have!)
A armadura sonhadora The dreamy armour
Em que meus olhos fechei. In which I closed my eyes.
Na trova nos céus velada In the verse veiled in the skies
Ondas que já não se
enlaça Waves that are no more enlaced
A minha pátria ancorada My anchored fatherland
Já não parte, já não
passa. Doesn't part anymore, doesn't travel anymore.
Já não ‘screve em versos
seus It doesn't write in its verses
As sereias na água
escassa The mermaids in scarce water
Nem as vozes que em adeus Nor the voices of farwell
Bem contra preceitos seus That against its commandements
Viram partir em desgraça. Were seen leaving in misfortune.
Mas dos vales vis e
fundos But from the vile and deep grounds
Que, nas trevas, a
compasso, That, in the darkness, in its pace
Luzem no oceano baço Glances in the dim ocean
Velhas eras, novos
mundos, Old ages and new worlds
Surge a flor plantada à
proa Arises the flower planted in the prow
Daqueles que ainda a
esperam… Of those who are still waiting...
E nas sombras que revelam And in the shadows who reveal
A alta voz que doce ecoa The high voice that sweet echoes
Em que o sonho sobrevoa In which the dream overflies
O mar na palma da mão The sea in the palm of the hand
Vai vagando em si cativa Is waving captive in itself
Relembrando em voz
missiva Remembering in a prophetic tone
Aos que esperam sem razão: To those who uncaused are waiting:
Não se perderá quem viva They will never be lost those who live
Com o sal no coração!... With the salt in their hearts!...
*"Salt that forms as a thin, delicate crust on the surface of seawater as it evaporates." Double meaning intended.
** Elizabeth or Aragon, also known as Elizabeth of Portugal, married to the king Denis I, venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church.
*** Reference to the greatest portuguese poet Luís de Camões (also know simply by Camoens by the english speakers) who lost an eye while battling in Africa.
PHOTOS: (above) Camoens tomb (under) The Monument to the Discoveries, Lisbon
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